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Social Media – a tool for change?
orben Rick (www.torbenrick.eu) an experienced senior executive, both at a strategic and operational level, with a strong track record in change management and a wealth of experience gained from management positions in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland – believes there a 10 ways social media can facilitate change management…
How can social media can facilitate change management?
Today’s world is moving at an ever increasing pace. New technologies, opportunities, threats all force companies to have the ability to be able to change rapidly in order to stay competitive and survive in increasingly harder business climates. Social media can play a vital role in how a company goes about its change management decisions – it can be an important “vehicle” to facilitate better and faster change management.
Accenture’s Prespective
Accenture (www.accenture.com) – the multi-national management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing company – has also identified six ways in which collaboration tools and social media technologies, if properly planned and implemented, can support more rapid and predictable management of large-scale change.
Based on numerous experiences with corporations and government agencies that have successfully pioneered social media solutions – Accenture consultants (Mohsin Ghafoor, Trinity Martin and Elizabeth S. Choo – believe that change management challenges are well suited to the capabilities of social media and collaboration tools. The full article can be found here: Six ways social media technologies can accelerate large-scale change.
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Many thanks to Torben Rick for sharing his insights.