Make the formal case

Developed and produced by Paul Brown, ‘A Brief Introduction to Change Management’ is the first of a management series and delivers a concise and very accessible introduction to Change Management.

The message is simple: “Change is pervasive in our society and a fact of life in organisations. Change management is about modifying or transforming organisations in order to maintain or improve their effectiveness”. Quoting a myriad of Change pioneers, Darwin, a hint of popular philosophy and many groundbreaking theories, Brown succeeds in putting the Change Management concept across in a succinct and somehow entertaining way, and as result, sets the bar high for a video introduction to change management.

About Paul Brown

Paul Brown’s previous and current positions have involved leading and managing teams tasked with setting strategies, generating and leveraging insights to devise strategies and improve business performance (proposition improvement/ customer acquisition/ retention/ revenue generation/ portfolio optimisation/ growth opportunities).

Paul Brown Linkedin page:

Video Info

Developed and produced: Paul Brown
Art Direction: Hugo Morris
Animation and Effects: Ellie McNeill
Voice Recording: Sean Page
Text and Voice-over: Paul Brown

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